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Economy of Tavil

The economy of the Tavil Republic is largely undeveloped and small. There are currently very few regulations on the Tavil Republic economy and only several businesses operate there. It is split fairly evenly between the public and private sectors. On the Economic Potential Index, Tavil Republic's economy scores 3.

Gross Domestic Product

Tavil Republic's GDP in 2022 is US $ 700,000. At the same time, the per capita income of the Tavil Republic is currently US $ 400. Also, Tavil Republic has grown by 18.75% in 1 quarters of this year.


Currently, the financial sector contributes roughly three-quarters of the Tavil Republic's GDP while the rest comes from the food and beverage industry.

Exports and Imports

There is currently no export in the country.

Tavil Republic of Turkey and Serbia depends on the moment, however, we are announced that it would soon begin to agriculture.

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